(102 - 107)

Going : Good 	                       

Penetrometer Reading :  3.3 Cm

(False Rails: Average width of 3.5 Metres from 1600 Metres to 1000 Metres and 7 Metres from 1000 Metres to the winning post)
1st Race:    102. The Subash Nagar Plate - (About) 1600 Metres. Horses rated 00 to 25 (8 Runners)

Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner b g INDRAVATI. 

2nd Race :    103. The Summer Dust Plate-(About) 1400 Metres. Horses rated 20 to 45 (12 Runners).

Jockey M.J. GautamRajUrs, the rider of A GAME TO REMEMBER reported that he could not get a clear run approaching the 900 Metres due to the crowding of the field.
It was reported by Jockey Valdir DeSousa that the bit on its mount ITS MY PARTY broke passing the 1000 Metres. As a result the rider lost control over his mount and it shifted out causing  inconvenience to SPARK OF KNIGHT (Mohd. Ghouse), SCARLET KNIGHT (Mohammed Shoaib) on the outside -  ATHABASCA STAR (R. Vaibhav) moving from behind struck the front runner ITS MY PARTY (Valdir DeSousa) and stumbled passing the 1000 Metres. On examination of the equipment after the race,  it was observed to have been not well maintained and hence Trainer Mr. Hidayat Khan (deputizing for trainer Mr. Amit Caddy) was fined Rs.5,000/- for using an unserviceable equipment  (bit) on  his charge  ITS MY PARTY.

3rd Race :    104. The A.P. Kothavala Memorial Cup-(About) 1200 Metres. Indian Horses 2 years old only (Terms) (9 Runners).

ALPINE SHINE (B. Sreekanth) jumped awkwardly inwards from the gates and inconvenienced SHAHRAAN (Harish) at the start.

Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner ch f SILKEN TOUCH.

4th  Race:    105. The Jog Cup - (About) 1400 Metres. Horses rated 60 to 85 (9 Runners). 

Jockey Sunny Chinoy, the rider of INDIAN BOLT, reported that he could not get a clear run between 300 Metres and 150 Metres due to a closely packed field. 

Jockey Suraj Narredu, the rider of ABNOBA, reported that he could not get a clear run passing the 300 Metres. 
SUNSPIRIT (R. Hughes) sustained a bleeding cut injury on right hind fetlock. 

SMART WAYS (K. Raja Rao) sustained a cut injury on right hock. 

5th  Race:    106. The Horanadu Plate - (About) 1200 Metres. Horses rated 20 to 45, 4 years old and over (11 Runners).

Permission was granted to trainer Mr. Pradeep Annaiah to withdraw YOURE STUNNING (Shobhan Babu) on veterinary grounds as it was lame on left fore due to sprained tendon.  He was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club's Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again. 

Jockey R. Bharath, the rider of ENDURING SPEED, was fined Rs.2,000/- for shifting in and causing interference to MAN DOWN UNDER (Naushad Alam) on his inside which in turn passed it on to SOUTHERN IMAGE (S. Mallikarjun) approaching the 1000 Metres. 

Jockey R. Pradeep, the rider of SABARI, was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting in and causing interference to GOOD COMPANION (B. Sreekanth) on his inside approaching the 800 Metres. 

Jockey R. Pradeep, the rider of SABARI, was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting out and taking out MAN DOWN UNDER (Naushad Alam) on his outside rounding the final bend.

Jockey P. Mani, the rider of ASTON PARK, was reprimanded for not maintaining a straight course passing the 100 Metres thereby inconveniencing SOUTHERN IMAGE (S. Mallikarjun) on his inside. 

Jockey Afsar, the rider of REFRESH, was fined Rs.5,000/- for not making sufficient effort on his amount during the race.   He was further informed in the presence of Trainer Mr. Faraz Arshad that the repetition of similar manner of riding would entail him being reported to the Stewards for severe disciplinary action. 

SABARI (R. Pradeep) sustained a cut injury on right gaskin. 

Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner b m SABARI. 

6th  Race:    107. The Dr. S.K. Pillay Memorial Plate-(About) 1400 Metres. Horses rated 40 to 65 (11 Runners).

SOUTHERN KING (N Ramesh Kumar) was extremely fractious inside the gates and the bridle snapped.    Under the circumstances it was permitted to be withdrawn before coming under Starter's orders. 
DUCHESS OF YORK (David Allan) planted at the gates, swerved towards the left and lost many lengths at the start. In view of its behaviour trainer Mr.S. Padmanabhan was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaivour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in one Mock Race on a race day on the race track.   

Jockey Vivek, the rider of SUN DAWN, reported that his saddle shifted over the withers passing the 900 Metres and as such he could not offer sufficient assistance to his mount thereafter. After due examination of the equipment, trainer Mr. Mahmood Khan was fined Rs.2,000/- for faulty saddling.  

VAYUPUTRA (Khurshad Alam) sustained bleeding cut injury on right fore cannon.  

Surprise Sample was taken for analysis from the winner dk b g DELACROIX.

Permission was granted to trainer M/s. Hidayat Khan and Darius Byramji to deputise on behalf of trainers M/s. Amit Caddy and R.R. Byramji respectively who were unable to attend the races. 



No. of Riders Tested				: 10

Results						: Negative

STARTING REMARKS			: Issued by the Starters separately

No. of Races				:	     6
No. of Runners				: 	    60       
Average runners per race		:           10 


  						Sd/- T. RAMAN,
                                              Sd/-  T.S. MAHENDHER, 
			                   STIPENDIARY STEWARDS,